I’ve talked with some truly amazing, passionate entrepreneurs recently who are feeling a bit overwhelmed and honestly, how could they not feel overwhelmed?

social media icon collage

In addition to running day-to-day operations, often solo, business owners are reminded from every reputable marketing source that we need to do the following:

  • Have a website
  • Run a Twitter account
  • Create and engage clients on Facebook pages
  • Establish your presence on the growing Google+
  • Maintain Pinterest boards with useful, and whenever possible original content
  • Partner with businesses to spread the word
  • Host events
  • Write a blog
  • Grow your LinkedIn network (and now your LinkedIn company page)
  • Network like it’s your job
  • Have comment-worthy business cards
  • Donate to any and every cause
  • Create and maintain a YouTube channel
  • Engage in relevant activities to the business
  • Build relationships
  • Determine brand, target market, and business strategy
  • Write, revise, update, rewrite a business plan
  • Generate ideas for business growth
  • Be creative
  • Etc.
  • Etc.
  • And oh yes, deliver whatever the product or service the business was created to provide!

First, let me be clear. I agree with everything on this list. It is important, it does grow your business, most of this list IS my business, and I work to implement these things in my own business as well. However, WE DO NOT NEED TO DO EVERYTHING ON THIS LIST ALL AT ONCE!!

I find the following tips to be critical for entrepreneurs:

  1. Write everything down. And I mean everything. Every idea that comes to you in the shower, every person someone tells you need to know, every idea you have for where you want the business to be and what you know it can become. Write it down. You are busy and do not have time to remember those ideas while also trying to be a rockstar in your market. With a list, when the time comes to write a tweet, FB/blog post, host an event, call someone for coffee, you have a resource you can review to get the ball rolling.
  2. Decide what you can do well, right now, with your current resources, and do it.  Ignore the rest for now, especially if focusing on one thing (ex. building your Twitter presence) prevents you from doing a more effective business building thing (ex. call a prospect who you can most likely get to yes today).

    Yes, a blog sounds great but you can barely keep up with Twitter and Facebook? Then don’t do it right now! Focus on doing Twitter and Facebook well. When those become second nature, add in a blog. Perhaps in the process of writing for Twitter and Facebook you discover your clientele doesn’t engage through those methods. Great, you’ve established the presence for Google/SEO purposes, now maybe it’s time to let those go to the back burner and focus on networking events and speaking engagements.

  3. If resources allow and you want to move faster in the market, hire someone to help.

With the world shrinking and visibility into other businesses offering similar services increasing, it’s easy to fall into a comparison trap. But it is your business. It has your personality, your design, and your fingerprints on it. Your business does not have to look like Sally’s and Tim’s ever but especially not right this second. Do what’s manageable for you now. Do it well. Then when that aspect is managed, add in the next element.

Yes, work as hard as you possibly can. But when the immobilizing stress and guilt of what you’re not doing comes in, remind yourself you are on your own unique path.  Instead of focusing on the things that aren’t getting done, focus attention on the one or two things you can do right this second/minute/hour/day that will move your business forward and help you build momentum.

What do you think? How do you build your business and what do you think are the most important things for entrepreneurs to remember?