New Year’s Resolutions get a bad rap. I get it. The success rate isn’t remarkable. There is great opportunity for failure (and success!). It stinks to resolve to do something and then not follow through. People, yourself included, might (and most likely will) be critical of you for not making it through all 365 days. I felt a bit of that feeling in just writing this post!


Signature Style 2015 New Year's Resolutions Intro Pic

Since I’m in the business of self-improvement, it makes sense that I would be all about New Year’s Resolutions and goals. Even if you reverted back to your pre-resolution self after only two months of resolute change, two months of progress beats twelve months of no progress every time. And that doesn’t even take into account the amazingness that happens when you accomplish what you resolved to do!

Natalie Weakly Image Consultant Houston Signature Style 2015 New Year's Resolutions Theodore Roosevelt Critic Quote

For a goal-oriented person like me, New Year’s Resolutions are a great time to take a step back, assess, and determine where to commit my time and energy in the coming year.

Here are a few of my goals for 2015. I would love to hear yours as well!


My closet is organized (practicing what I preach!) but I want every closet in the house cleaned out, organized, and functional! Organizing is a cliche resolution but imagine what our lives would look like if we never focused on organization at all?! This is dangerously close to one of those “if I accomplish nothing else around the house” goals.


I love to read. I love it and I believe it’s critical. Reading expands your mind, takes you to new places, inspires, encourages, instructs, and relaxes.

Last year I only read nine books. Granted, I had a baby and promptly entered the “newborn vortex” but I also did not have a reading goal last year. The two previous years I attempted the 52×52 reading challenge, to read one book a week. Both years I ended up reading 35 books. Even though I didn’t get all the way to my 52 goal, having the goal prompted significantly more reading than not having one!

Natalie Weakly Image Consultant Houston Signature Style 2015 New Year's Resolutions Reading Challenge

This year – 24 is the magic number for me!


I want this for me and I want this for you. In what we buy, who we spend time with, and what we commit to this year. The trend response to “how are you?” is “I’m so busy.” and to buy anything that’s on sale. Let’s start a new trend – shop smart and commit smart.


I’ve never made Paella. I own a paella pan. I even have saffron threads in my pantry. Yet I’ve never made Paella. That’s just silly. Paella is on my weekend chef list this year!

Natalie Weakly Image Consultant Houston Signature Style 2015 New Years Resolutions Make Paella

I pinned images to My Signature 2015 Goals Pinterest board to represent some of my goals. Take a look!

I would love to hear about your goals – what do you hope to accomplish in 2015?

If resolving to banish the phrase “I have nothing to wear” is on your list, sign up for my newsletter for blog updates, tips, and members-only specials and content!