I saw my first Christmas commercial this weekend. Christmas lights are up in main shopping areas here in Houston (and have been for weeks!), and the first trickle of gift guides are beginning to pop up in my news feeds.

Before you are completely inundated with Christmas ads and the intense shopping season really gears up, here are some tips on when to say “I’ll take it” to the gorgeous top you found and when to leave it for someone else!

Beautiful woman shopping in clothing store.

Does it Fit You?

This is first and foremost. Because even it’s your favorite color/print/fabric, if it doesn’t fit it doesn’t look good! Keep in mind taking things in at the waist, shortening sleeves, and hemming are all fairly inexpensive alterations that can make a piece look it was custom made for you. Be sure to include the alterations cost in the item price if you plan to go that route.

Does it Match Your Current Wardrobe?

It’s the worst to find a great piece and then bring it home to discover it doesn’t go with anything you own. I’m not saying you can never branch out – just that if you do – buy a complete outfit in the new style so you always have at least one thing you can wear!

Does It Match Your Lifestyle?

Are you transitioning into/out of the corporate world? Rarely/often go to the theater, cocktail parties, and galas? Live in workout gear? Dominating motherhood? Your wardrobe needs to match your current situation, otherwise your clothes are destined to hang unworn in your closet garnering the age-old “I have nothing to wear” complaint.

Does it Look Like You?

You can count on me to always go back to this point. If it doesn’t fit your personal style, it needs to stay on the rack! If you want to branch out and see if something fits you, give it a go! I recommend avoiding a high-dollar “test” item and make sure to confirm return policy before you take it home to compare with your existing wardrobe.

It’s so tempting to see something on sale and snatch it up even when it doesn’t meet the above criteria. By being this particular with all your purchases, you may spend more on individual pieces but in the end you’ll save money (because you’ll find you are buying less!), and you’ll have a closet full of perfect 10s.