Spring Break is next week here in Houston. Do you have a fun trip planned? Whether you are traveling next week or have a trip planned in the coming months, here are some tips on how to look good stepping on and stepping off the plane!

Natalie Weakly Stylist Houston Signature Style Travel Style Tips for Looking Good

How to Pack

There will no doubt be more packing posts in the future but for now I will give you two quick tips.

One, consolidate! No one wants to be the gal (or guy) schlepping a ton of bags through baggage claim and security. Carry on only what you need (water, sample size toiletries, a change of undergarments in case your bags are waylaid, headphones, and whatever reading device you swear by – book, Kindle, Nook, or iPad) and check the rest.

Two, pack by coordinating color palettes. Focus your wardrobe around one neutral (black, brown, grey, or white), a coordinating color, and a statement color. Keeping all your pieces to a simple color palette makes it easy to mix and match your looks for the duration of your trip!

What to Eat

Travel style is about more than clothes! Before your fly and especially on the place, avoid salty foods. You are already susceptible to arriving puffy and dare I say it, bloated, and salt is going to make it worse! Bring apples, carrots, celery, hummus, etc. for snacking, opt for protein-heavy foods and drink lots of water. Did I mention drink lots of water? You lose roughly eight ounces of water an hour in the less than <15% humidity of a plane. Skip the bloodshot eyes – drink water.

How to Treat Your Face

Combat the tired, puffy look, which is never in style, with a toning and moisturizing product. I use this one and it works like a dream to tone and hydrate. I use it in the morning and throughout the day over my makeup. Don’t forget a few travel makeup remover wipes, some tinted moisturizer if you need extra hydration and color, and blush to give your face some life after a long trip.

What to Wear

Simple, yet put together is your best bet for travel style. Punch up your t-shirt and jeans with a blazer or long cardigan. Go for easy-on, easy-off flats or work the on-trend stacked heel for height and long-wear comfort.

Simple Sophisticated Travel Style

Don’t forget your emergency style kit!

Pop over to Instagram and Facebook (follow/like too!) and tell me your travel style tricks and what you don’t leave home without!

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